Frequently Asked Questions
What are your hours of operation?
6:00am – 6:30pm Monday – Friday
What age children do you accept?
Ages 6 weeks through 12 years
Your program looks amazing. You offer multiple types of curriculum based on how my child will learn best, where most childcare centers only offer one curriculum. What am I missing how are you able to charge $50, $75 less per week, per child? It seems too good to be true.​
Every child learns differently; we feel it’s imperative to offer multiple curriculum options so your child can learn in the way they learn best. We are a privately owned early learning center with multiple locations; we are not a franchise. Which means we do not have to charge what chain and other learning centers are charging to cover royalty and other franchise expenses. It also means we are able to pay our employees more than most other learning centers while continuing to invest in our children with new curriculum, resources and building improvements.
Is your staff trained?
Yes, all of our teachers and personnel are required to be trained in First Aid/CPR, Infectious Disease Control, Injury Prevention, and Child Abuse Awareness. In addition, our staff receives training in curriculum, child development, classroom management, age appropriate activities, nutrition, and OSHA regulations to provide a quality learning environment.
Is transportation provided to local schools?
Yes, our centers have school buses to transport to and from school in the morning and afternoon.
Is outdoor time available?
Yes, our school is equipped with age appropriate outside play areas. Children have scheduled times in the morning and afternoon to explore their outside world. As an added safety feature, we have fencing around the outside perimeter of the play areas. The play equipment is state of the art and abides by the Federal regulations on safety equipment and their surrounding fall zones.
Are meals and snacks provided?
Yes, we serve hot meals and nutritional snacks. Our location is equipped with a full service kitchen and staff trained in nutrition, USDA guidelines, and proper portions. See specific school for meal times and monthly menus.
How can I get more information about enrolling my child?
You can use the contact form to provide us with your name, address, and phone number. We will contact you about our center.
What if my child has and allergy to certain types of foods?
We require that parents alert us to allergies for inclusion in the child’s medical file. Based on the prohibited foods, an allergy plan is created and the child’s teachers are alerted. When a food on a child’s prohibited list is served, the child is given a substitute.
What is the tuition and how is it paid?
Tuition varies by location and classroom. Tuition is due and payable weekly on the first scheduled day of attendance for the current week. A late fee will apply if tuition is not paid according to your Enrollment Agreement. Imagine Nation Learning Center accepts money order, and most credit cards. In some locations, payment can be made online. Ask your Center Director for more information on how to make online payments. We are also able to automatically transfer funds from a checking account or credit card.
When I pay my tuition automatically, how secure is my account information?
Very secure – more secure than when you write checks. The checks you write every day have your name, address, phone number, and sometimes your driver’s license number on them. With this information, criminals have all they need to access your account or worse, steal your identity. Automatic payments greatly reduce this potential problem by limiting the amount of information available and who has access to it.
How are payments made?
Payments are withdrawn from your checking/savings account, or charged to your credit card.